These are the diseases caused specifically due to certain occupation which practically affect those workers only. These diseases can be related to the particular type of occupation.

These diseases can be classifies as Physical ( mild and acute) and Psycological due to occupational stress.

The severity of these diseases depends on the exposure duration, type & weight of the hazard and physical condition of the individual. In several cases the diseases occures after a prolonged exposure of 5 years to 10 years. The Occupational Disease in acute form may be irreversible and the impairment caused may be permanent. The causative agents for these diseases have a charectristic tendency to cause impairment to certain organs of the body.

The causative factors are environmental conditions such as excessive heat, light, radiation, noise, dust, fumes, chemicals, workposture etc..

These Occupational Diseases cause loss of productivity, increase absentism and create industrial relations problems. As per the law adequate compensation has to be paid to the persons affected.

We provide solution to identify, monitor and prevent the occupational diseases by our OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMS. We conduct training programes to the workmen to protect themselves from these diseases.


List of Occupational Diseases.